
Customer Service (SAC)

Claims, cancellations, suggestions and general information. It also serves people with hearing or speech impairments.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, except holidays.

4004 4412 (capital and metropolitan regions)

0800 722 4412 (other regions)

Mailing address:

R. Amador Bueno, 474, 1st floor, Bairro Verde – Santo Amaro, São Paulo/SP, CEP: 04752-005.


If you are not satisfied with the solution presented, send your complaint to or call 0800 723 5076.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, except holidays.

Assistance for people with hearing or speech disabilities:

0800 723 5076

Mailing address:
R. Amador Bueno, 474, 1st floor, Bairro Azul, Santo Amaro, São Paulo/SP, CEP: 04752-005.

Open channel

Channel dedicated to reporting or clarifying doubts related to inappropriate or unethical conduct.

Opening hours

The service is through Santander Bank.

0800 282 7374

This channel is confidential and the manifestation can be identified or anonymous.

GDPL - General Data Protection Law

Issues related to Privacy and Data Protection.

Mailing address:

R. Amador Bueno, 474, 1st floor, Bairro Azul – Santo Amaro, São Paulo/SP, CEP: 04752-005.

Channel for Employees and Suppliers

Dedicated channel for complaints related to conduct.

The respective channel is for the exclusive use of the Employee and Supplier. The channel is made available by our shareholder Crédit Agricole.

It is important to highlight that this channel has a secure structure, guaranteeing absolute confidentiality of the complainant.

Click here to access the platform.